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Marker bei der In-situ-Hybridisierung. Fresenius’ Ztschr Analyt
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T, Henke P, Jilg W, Wolf H (1988) Klinik und Morphologie der Haarleukoplakie
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Acta histochem Suppl. XXXVII: 73-78
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und Dot-blot-Hybridisierung mit biotinylierten DNA-Proben. Acta histochem
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of morphological tumor markers. 6th International Conference on Human
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bei isolierter Sarkoidose des Magens. 156. Tagung Vereinigung niederrheinisch-westfälischer
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Henke RP, Schmidt A, Rivière A (1990) Das Protoonkogen c-erb-B-2
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Hübner D, Henke RP, Huland H (1993) Präoperative Lokalisation
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Prostatektomie durch digitale rektale Palpation (DRP) und 6 randomisierte
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die Kurabilität des lokalen Prostatakarzinoms durch radikale Prostatektomie
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Henke RP, Krüger E, Ayhan N, Hübner D, Hammerer P (1993) Zur
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In Klöppel G (Hrsg) Verh Dtsch Ges Path. 77, Gustav Fischer Verlag,
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Hübner D, Henke RP, Huland H (1993) Korrelation des Tumorvolumens
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Graefen M, Hammerer P, Noldus J, Henke R-P, Huland H (1997) Ein positiver
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Fernandez S, Hammerer P, Pokupic M, Henke R-P, Erbersdobler A, Graefen
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cytogenetics on preoperative core biopsies in prediction of early serum
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E, Huland H (1998) Incidence of positive surgical margins after biopsy-selected
nerve-sparing radical prostatectomy. Eur Urol 33 (suppl.): 71
Erbersdobler A, Friedrich MG, Schwaibold H, Henke R-P (1998) Allelic loss
at 9p, 13q, and 17p in non muscle-invasive carcinomas of the urinary bladder.
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Hammerer P, Henke R-P, Erbersdobler A, Schwaibold H, Graefen M, Huland
H (1998) Specific pattern of vascularization in the different zones of
the prostate. J Urol 159 (suppl.): 422
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Huland H (1999) Multivariate analysis of preoperative parameters for
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Henke R-P, Hammerer P, Huland H, Erbersdobler A, Heinzer H (1999) Interphase
cytogenetics of papillary renal cortical tumours: relationship with
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Hammerer P, Henke R-P, Erbersdobler A, Graefen M, Huland H (1999) Physiological
vascularization in the different zones of the prostate. Eur Urol 35 (suppl.
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Graefen M, Noldus J, Pichlmeier U, Hammerer P, Haese A, Henke R-P,
Butz K, Huland H (1999) Preoperative prediction of organ confined (pT2)
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cortical tumors: relationship with histopathologic features. Pathol Res
Pract 195 (suppl.): 322
Erbersdobler A, Bardenhagen P, Henke R-P (1999) Numerical chromosomal aberrations
in latent prostate cancers. Pathol Res Pract 195 (suppl.): 323
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